Comparing People and Nature Surveys across UK nations
Mapping the different People and Nature Surveys of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland for the potential to identify UK-wide trends about people’s access, understanding, and enjoyment of nature, and how it contributes to wellbeing.

Commissioned by Natural England to fulfil requirements for their statistics to be recognised by the Office for National Statistics, we produced a report which evaluated the similarities and differences in data gathered by the four UK nations in population level surveys. These four surveys collect evidence about how the public enjoy, access, and understand the natural environment. They include:
The People and Nature Survey England (PaNS)
Scottish People and Nature Survey (SPaNS)
People and Nature Survey Wales (PaNSW)
People in the Outdoors Monitor for Northern Ireland (POMNI).
We conducted a mapping review of comparability between each nation’s survey and data, with a focus on six predetermined priorities:
i. Engagement with nature
ii. Nature connection
iii. Benefits of time outdoors in nature
iv. Access to greenspace
v. Perceptions of the quality of green space near to where people live or visit
vi. Visit expenditure data.
We mapped survey responses to these priorities using thematic analysis, with additional subthemes identified in the mapping process.
We concluded that PaNS (England) and PaNSW (Wales) are largely identical and readily harmonisable across all themes. SPaNS (Scotland) is a slightly shorter survey covering all themes except ‘visit expenditure data’ and POMNI (Northern Ireland) is a significantly shorter survey which restricts comparability. Resource constraints within the organisations which deliver each survey drive significant differences in survey frequency, sample size, and data composition. The full report is available here and includes recommendations for increased collaboration between stakeholders in future, with initial communication facilitated by our work.
"The team at Kohlrabi were very easy to work with, and their work helped us to meet the requirements we faced from the Office for Statistics Regulation. It has also sparked ongoing collaborations between Natural England and equivalent bodies in devolved nations to understand how people across the UK engage with the natural environment"
Tom Marshall, Senior Responsible Officer for the People and Nature Survey, Natural England